Title dedicated to Pauline Kael, natch.
All joking aside yesterday I had some pretty wild finds out in the wild, most of which are on display here ...

I wanted to start with this one from Grandon Press, which I hadn't heard of before. Another small publisher with a clear and strong devotion to Arkham House's output and style. This gorgeous Russell Swanson cover (first time I've seen his name that I recall) absolutely captivated me, and I can't wait to find more of his work.
Above we have a pretty major Arkham House title that I wasn't sure I'd ever acquire. It was their first-full color jacket, with typically sublime Hannes Bok artwork. Below is a nice piece I've had for a while, finally displaying it here alongside the Hodgson book; both were released around the same time.
Below we have a Sprague /Pratt collaboration with another excellent cover by Bok.

Below is another striking jacket design from Gnome Press featuring some incredible Weird monsters by EMSH. Luis Ortiz, who is worshipped as a Saint here at Capt. Graveyard for his seminal Lee Brown Coye biography, also penned a mind-boggling in-depth tome on the life and work of Ed "EMSH" Emshwiller.
Les Daniels was another kindred spirit of Capt Graveyard, and was very helpful a few years back in allowing permission for a friend and I to reprint some art he controlled. He's also one of the brave geniuses who commissioned art from Lee Brown Coye in the 1970s, alongside David Drake, Robert Weinberg, and Stuart David Schiff. Les passed away no too long ago, and he's certainly missed. When this book leaped out at from from the shelf, I must admit I teared up a bit ...